Processing time

All items are hand made to order for each order. I try my best to go in order of my orders, besides sometimes when it’s most practical to make doubles at the same time.

My processing time depends on many things, such as:

  • Amount of orders.

  • The amount of work or detailing that goes into the item.

  • My health (I have a couple health complications that causes my body be too tired to move).

  • Each item I make, I also make a new pattern, so, since each item is brand new to me I might take my time to make sure it’s perfect.

Accessories do get done a lot quicker, but since I try to go in order of my orders, if I am working on some orders I would like to get out as soon as possible, the accessory orders will be made after those have been shipped.

There is no set wait time, but it is always my goal to become more efficient in getting my orders fulfilled while still making them perfectly for you.
